Recently, my wife and I met with a couple of businessmen to hear from them their impressions of our ministry and to ask for their input in how to improve our communication to people. During the inspiring discussion I discovered something that has begun to cause a shift in my thinking. I was always of the belief that God cares for all people and calls all people to his work in this world. I understood that includes businessmen, but something happened in my heart that morning we listened to this brothers. I really listened to them and not just for my own benefit. God spoke to me that he really loves these business guys and that he wants to use them for his kingdom in their businesses.
Business can be God-honoring and serve God’s purpose as much as any other occupation, including my own as a leader of an international ministry. I have just read an article by Andre Yee on “Business as Ministry”. He says, “God calls the vast majority of Christians to “common” spheres of work such as business, or academia, or carpentry, or law, or healthcare, or homemaking. As we faithfully give ourselves to this calling, we are God’s agents to love others and to even accomplish his will on earth.”
Ephesians 1:11-12 11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, 12 that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.
For the Christian, life and work is not primarily about the self — self-achievement, self-accolades, or even self-wealth, or a surplus of monetary rewards. A Christian’s labor is foremost about working in a way that expresses faith in God and worship to God. It is in the way we conduct our work and the substance of our work that provides us with a means to proclaim his excellency.
So what does this look like? It will appear differently for each of us. For one, working to the glory of God might mean celebrating God’s kindness in the outcome of a successful project. To another, it may involve trusting God in the midst of difficulty and even failure. In my work, I have experienced both (but the latter being more challenging). Yet, it is trusting God during those challenging circumstances that speak most loudly of the rich sufficiency of knowing Christ.
Let me speak to my beloved pastor friends here. Let’s do all we can to lift up the businessmen in our ministry sphere. Mission workers let us thank God for the businessmen who serve with us in the ministry through their financial support. However, let us look beyond the finances we may receive from these dear brothers in business. Let’s receive from them the help they can offer us in growing the kingdom of God. Also let’s care for them. I mean personally care for them. Businessmen have some real challenges and struggles to walk through on a fairly regular basis. They daily make choices as they are being pressured by the world systems and ideologies. Let’s remember to pray for them often. And thank God for their part in expanding the Kingdom of God.
Businessmen reading this: We love you and thank God for you. We pray that God will prosper you and keep his hand of blessing on you. We pray that God will give you his wisdom and that your families will be cared for as you lead them also.