There are two weaknesses in the human nature that can affect our spiritual leadership of others. One is mentioned in the bible in some translations as thinking higher than ourselves than we ought to. This is clearly labeled throughout the Scriptures as sin. The root of pride can destroy our… Read more“Be Careful How You Think of Yourself”
Month: July 2023
Business as Ministry?
Recently, my wife and I met with a couple of businessmen to hear from them their impressions of our ministry and to ask for their input in how to improve our communication to people. During the inspiring discussion I discovered something that has begun to cause a shift in my… Read more“Business as Ministry?”
Choose Wisely Who You Align With
At this time in the world history we have an escalation of division of nations, shifting of political allies and a complex situation internationally. It is difficult to know what the clear lines of alignment are today on the globe. I have been thinking a lot about alignment politically which… Read more“Choose Wisely Who You Align With”
The Kingdom of God; What it is and isn’t!
Romans 14:14-18 14 I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. 15 Yet if your brother is grieved because of your food, you are no longer walking in… Read more“The Kingdom of God; What it is and isn’t!”
Diversity Within Unity
What is unity? Can there be unity when there is so much diversity? Why did God make us different if he wants people to be in unity? What are the results of true unity? These are some of the questions that people have asked me over the years about unity. … Read more“Diversity Within Unity”
The Lost Art of Apprenticeship in the Church
The model of apprenticeship is a historical one. In fact, it can be seen in history in the early B.C. era. Apprenticing was done for most trades during that time. Through the history we have utilized this method for training workers to become highly skilled and even masters in their… Read more“The Lost Art of Apprenticeship in the Church”
A Perspective in Challenging Times – An Epidemic Era
Dear friends, As Joyce and I returned to the States after several months in Europe, I have become aware that there is an underlying fear in the atmosphere. I realize that there is reason to be concerned about the situation we find ourselves in at this time in the world…. Read more“A Perspective in Challenging Times – An Epidemic Era”